
Identify the correct time series fitting your needs with the power of AllThatStats

AllThatStats provides extra fast and comfortable retrieval tools:

  • Keyword search
  • Hierarchical search
  • Search by database

Keyword search - a quick introduction is available at ATS Tutorial

You can start a query by keyword search immediately at any stage.

Type your query into the search field located at the top of each AllThatStats page.

Hierarchical search - a quick introduction is available at ATS Tutorial

Classic statistical time series databases are organised in tree-like hierarchies:

    sources — themes — databases

“Browse sources” on the AllThatStats home page provides hierarchical access to the sources. All databases are directed to one of these sources and can be accessed by drilling down the corresponding branches.

Search by database - visit AllThatStats Help Center

AllThatStats' "Help Center" provides a detailed documentation referring to the sources and databases:

  • check for the source
  • check for the database