DSI Time Series Platform Solution
IoT (Internet of Things) makes everyone and everything a sensor, emitting relentless streams of observations collected in time series databases*) for constant analytics that
- deliver insights and competitive advantage to data-driven projects
- promise to make our life more comfortable and more safe
Start ad hoc analyses to make time series data visible (e.g. business cycles). Keep informed about irregular sensor data in due time (e.g. in a planes' engine).
Time Series Platform Systems
DSI provides the complete system environment to build your unique customised time series platform:
- ready for analysing metrics and events
- necessary to build next-generation applications: faster, easier and delivering real business value quickly
Time Series Platform Systems generate your
- scalable and highly available central time series databases
- flexible interfaces for fully automated/real-time update procedures
- powerful retrieval engines
- personalised and automatically updated report generators
- inbuilt or third party visualisation tools (maps, tables, charts)
- individually adjustable alerting routines
- real-time analytics incl. data predictions
- embedding of mobile devices
- various export possibilities and
- communication routines
- API interfaces for all further Big Data projects
- World Bank's "World Development Indicators" time series displayed on a world map: World Development Indicators on a World Map. Indicators can be selected hierachically or by keyword search.
- Example: practical app solution (iPhone, Android): World Population Statistics. The latest and historical population statistics for approx. 220 countries and regions, provided by the World Bank.
- Example: Chapter of the Intra-Extra-EU Trade Statistics, compiled as time series databases: Ceramic Articles, N.e.s.External trade of the EU member states based on single goods/group of goods - intra-/extra-EU trade, imports/exports, values/quantities/special units.
- Have a look at our time series statistics platform AllThatStats at work, too (demo mode activated).
Info: DSI's AllThatStats platform provides access to approx. 1000 million time series from official statistical sources (e.g. World Bank, OECD, EU, ECB).
How it works

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